Plan Ahead

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Susan became really interested in everything related to personal information management. She was trying to figure out ways how she could do it herself, but she also experimented some of the newly available web-based services. She found exciting a service that enabled its users to plan for their funerals. She told Nick the next time they met. Nick just laughed and told her a story about his grandpa. When he was forty, he wrote down the contacts of all the people he wanted to have at his funeral. Everybody was joking about his funeral folder all the time. His grandpa maintained the list up-to-date for a long time. He passed away when he was eighty-two. All that Nick’s parents had to do was to pick up the folder and send the invitations to the people on the list.

Funeral Planning Services

Funeral planning services allow us to leave behind a set of our wishes regarding our funeral ceremony. We may indicate where it should be held, in which place we want to be buried and so on. We may also want to leave instructions for our clothing, music and decoration arrangements, a list of attendees, the text for the invitation and the like.

My Wonderful Life is a free website for people who care about how their funeral will be. The website’s motto is “You only get one chance to make a last impression”. Using a funeral planning site is a good option for people who are willing to help their family and friends by anticipating its arrangements. This website allows its users to create preemptive plans for their funerals, leave letters and favorite memories, write their own obituaries and so on. It uses its own terminology, so instead of a digital executor, one has to choose his angel. The angels receive an email with information about their role and a link to be accessed in the event of the user’s death, leading to the stored information. The weak spot of this service is the vulnerability of security policies, since they are based exclusively on interpersonal trust. There is no confirmation or anything. The fact that the access to the personal information is not protected in any way also makes the website an easy target for phishing attacks.